συμφωνα με το deathwatch rpg το red thirst το οποιο εχουν οι Blood Angels μεταφραζετε ως εξης:
Yet, hidden from the multitudes, the Blood Angels harbour
a terrible curse. When their beloved primarch was slain at the
hands of the arch-traitor Warmaster Horus at the very height
of the Horus Heresy, every Blood Angel was doomed to share
a portion of the pain inflicted upon his flawless form. From
that day forth, every Blood Angel has been tormented by
visions of the last moment of Sanguinius. The older the Space
Marine gets, the more frequent and debilitating such waking
nightmares become. Should he not fall in battle, every Blood
Angel will one day become so consumed by these soul-searing
visions that he will descend into a madness in which he must
witness the death of Sanguinius over and over again, ever
unable to intervene as the warmaster enacts his vile treachery.
The very inevitability of their curse ennobles the Battle-
Brothers of the Blood Angels, driving them ever onwards
to a glorious death in the name of the Emperor and
their primarch. Where lesser men might have
surrendered to the dark urgings to shed the
blood of the enemies of the Emperor, the
Blood Angels have remained pure and
noble for ten thousand years. Despite
this, the Chapter is dying, for each year
ever more of its brethren succumb to
the so-called Red Thirst—the desire to
rend limb from limb those responsible
for the death of Sanguinius, and
by extension every enemy of
the Emperor.