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Using Battlefield Reporters in Bolt Action
The presence of the War Reporter’s cameramen bolsters the confidence of the troops nearby – the soldiers want to appear brave, dashing and handsome under fire for their families and the girls watching the cinema newsreels back home. Interestingly, this is true for the fighting men on both sides…
Cost: War Reporter team 30 pts (inexperienced)
Team: 1 cameraman and up to 2 additional cameramen/photographers/reporters.
Weapons: none.
Options: The cameraman may be accompanied by up to 2 additional cameramen/photographers/reporters at a cost of +7 pts per man.
Special Rules: Any infantry and artillery unit (friend and enemy!) that can see the War Reporters team can re-roll failed Order tests, except for Fubar results.
Selectors: Any army can include a single War Reporters team, regardless of the selector.